Friday, December 16, 2011

Step2 Build And Store Block And Activity Table

!±8±Step2 Build And Store Block And Activity Table

Brand : Step 2
Rate :
Price : $79.99
Post Date : Dec 16, 2011 10:23:10
Usually ships in 3 to 5 days

This multipurpose table is the perfect play space for building, drawing, or any creative adventure! With lots of storage and removable block plates, it's also a perfect activity table!

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Glass Mosaic Tile Art - Store Your Stained Glass Without Paying a Fortune For Racks and Cabinets

!±8± Glass Mosaic Tile Art - Store Your Stained Glass Without Paying a Fortune For Racks and Cabinets

If you work with stained glass, you know what I'm talking about. It seems like every room in the house and every table, dresser, bed, and desk has sheets of glass sitting on it collecting dust. Stained glass clutters every open space everywhere. One day, my wife had enough. She said firmly, "Please clean up all this glass, I can't stand it anymore." I responded, "Yes, dear." I thought about how I could store my glass without piling the sheets on top of each other, creating a stack two feet high. That wouldn't be good for the glass, especially those at the bottom of the pile, and it would be terribly inconvenient every time I needed a piece near the bottom. Ideally, stained glass should be stored on its side, not piled on top of each other. I didn't want to spend a thousand bucks to buy a fancy rack system, and I don't have the proper tools to build one myself. So, what is a broke (i.e., no money) mosaic and stained glass artist to do when the wife says clean it up or throw it away?

I sat imagining the rack system at the local hobby store where I buy a lot of my stained glass. It's a beautiful thing. Nice, neat shelves with the proper spacing to fit 12-inch by 12-inch sheets of glass, and dividers every two or three inches so the glass can rest on its edges lightly leaning to the side. It truly is a thing of beauty. Where can I get something like that without spending a fortune? It suddenly hit me. I dreamed up the perfect solution.

I went to my favorite home improvement store to see what kinds of ready-made cabinets are available. I immediately saw the perfect piece. It's a slim five-shelf cabinet, about 10 inches wide and about four feet high. The key is that it has adjustable shelves. Two of those cabinets would give me plenty of room to store all my glass and provide lots of room to expand my stock. The problem was that the piece is 10 inches wide. I need each section to be about half that width to fit only a few pieces of glass and allow them to lean at a small angle. How can I divide each 10-inch section into halves? Again, it immediately hit me.

I remembered using thin pieces of metal for one of my many hair-brained house projects. Each piece is about 12 inches long, 2 inches wide, and less than 1/8-inch thick so it easily bends with a little elbow grease. Another good thing is that the metal pieces already had pre-drilled holes at each end. I think the metal pieces are actually used in construction as a type of mending plate, but that didn't stop me from using them for my latest crazy idea. I figured I could attach two of these metal pieces to the bottom of each shelf to hang down, creating a divider upon which the glass could lean. Perfect! I bought two cabinets and a bunch of the metal strips.

I quickly assembled the first cabinet. I used only two of the five adjustable shelves because I needed at least 13 inches between shelves. With the bottom fixed shelf, these two adjustable shelves gave me a total of three shelves. Remember, the key to this crazy idea is that the shelves must be adjustable. To adjust the shelves on this cabinet, little holes are drilled into the side pieces of the cabinet into which little metal dowels are inserted. Four dowels are inserted for each shelf at the right height, and then the shelf rests loosely on the four dowels.

For each shelf, I used two pieces of metal as a center divider, one piece toward the front and one piece toward the back. I bent one end of the metal piece two inches from the end, creating a 90-degree L-shape. The short 2-inch side is attached with two small screws to the bottom of each shelf so the longer 10-inch side hangs down, thereby creating the divider. The metal pieces are thick enough to hold the glass without bending when the glass leans on the dividers, but thin enough to easily bend to make the L-shape.

Each shelf section now has two of these metal pieces hanging down in alignment as a divider, creating two 5-inch-wide sections on each shelf. I assembled the second cabinet and installed the metal pieces the same way as the first cabinet. The two cabinets rest side-by-side in my studio and neatly hold all my stained glass. There's enough room to store my glass not only by color, but also by texture. All my glass is in one organized place now. The rest of the house is glass-free, and the wife is very happy. By the way, did I mention that I created this perfect glass storage system for less than 0? Amazing what a little ingenuity can do.

Glass Mosaic Tile Art - Store Your Stained Glass Without Paying a Fortune For Racks and Cabinets

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Rymdreglage - 8-bit trip

-----iTunes link ------- This video has been shortlisted for YouTube Play. See the shortlist at 1500 hours of moving legobricks and take photos of them. Rymdreglages 3rd music video Listen to Rymdreglage on Spotify iTunes.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fisher-Price Fun 2 Learn Preschool Center

!±8±Fisher-Price Fun 2 Learn Preschool Center

Brand : Fisher-Price
Rate :
Price : $59.99
Post Date : Nov 22, 2011 19:00:16
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This 2-in-1 playset makes going to school fun. It creates a child-sized school-like environment that encourages imaginative play and learning. The center comes to life with speech, sounds, music, lights and fun characters. The light-up screen and clock character teach letters, numbers, shapes and weather. Kids can follow the lights to learn how to write. Or they can use the light-up shapes for drawing. Flip the tabletop up to discover tons of musical play. There's a piano and light-up drum character. Includes storage areas on the sides and underneath. Requires 3 "C" batteries (not included). Measures 30" x 17" x 34.5". Assembly required.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Performance Modeling For Organizational Learning

!±8± Performance Modeling For Organizational Learning

Synergistic Design is the process of improving an organizational outcome by actively seeking and encouraging synergy between the key perspectives of an organization - the business, purpose, technology and people (McKey, 2006).

Venture capitalists and corporate raiders continually seek synergy and improved performance by buying, dismantling, and putting back together various companies, retaining assets and shedding inefficiencies. It is not often we get to completely reinvent our organizations. Many organizations just happen and grow. Others, such as our institutions, are prescribed and then just amble along for many years, never blossoming and never withering. Performance for them is just meeting a set of minimum standards.

However programs and projects within organizations are prime candidates for design, rejuvenation and the application of synergistic design. Particularly those change programs that have an effect across the organization such as new systems implementation, the introduction of learning and development programs and in particular recent initiatives such as the development of high-performance cultures.

These types of programs tend to have a low efficacy and high failure rate within organizations due to their complexity and breadth. Any new program has to work hard to provide a vision people will invest time and effort in. And the high rate of failure is self-fulfilling since, to use the words of Lowell George, the participants always have "one foot on the platform and the other on the train" ("Rocket in my Pocket", 1977). Self interest reigns supreme.

Even worse is when we strike the antonym of synergy, conflict. While friendly rivalry within organizations is often encouraged it can become destructive when it boils over into out and out competition for resources. The recognizing and naming of dysfunctional behavior has been used in family therapy for many years. It is also a useful strategy for getting disparate groups in organizations to align their perspectives for the common good.

Putting Synergy to work

Yet reducing conflict and creating synergy is just a starting point for organizational change. It aids the design. We still require a way to provide clarity for common and personal goals. Once synergy is achieved within a work group or organization it can be applied in the building of what I term a Performance Model. Virtually any entity can be modeled for performance, from teams, to programs to the organization as a whole. Ulrich has recently used a similar model to describe the functions and role of a HR department.

A performance model has three layers or levels of framework based upon building capability, usability and performance.

1. Level one is to build Capability across the entity. This is the foundation layer for any endeavor. Seats and desks, information systems, HR, business and specific purpose functions. This is about infrastructure and business operations.

2. Level two is all about providing access and Usability to the underlying capability. This is where learning and development and other HR services have an important role to play. This is about process and business improvement.

3. Finally level three is all about Performance. Synergistic entities utilising all the capability to deliver outcomes that are greater than the sum of their parts. This is about creating value and business transformation.

The Performance Model

Performance means different things for different people in different roles. By defining the desired/required performance outcomes for each team or role we can consider what capability the organization needs to provide. This is usually obvious. For example information technology requires wiring, hardware, software, core skills, support, administration systems and so on. Entrepreneurship requires flexible delegation and decision-making frameworks.What is not always obvious is how we get from capability, which is often passive, to performance that is dynamic. The intermediate step required is about personalizing the use of the capability and utilizing it in context. Only then can performance outcomes be reached since performance itself is usually context driven. There is a missing step. Performance modeling is about personalizing that missing step.

Capability is an input. Performance is an outcome. Just by having the former does not guarantee achievement or success in the latter. Yet when organizations make investments in infrastructure and systems, often, almost no budget is allocated to ensuring that investment will yield results via improved performance. It is often left to chance and people's inventiveness.

In addition the capability layer does not actually do any work nor produce an outcome. This is the role of the usability layer. Only when we have adequate access to, and usability of, underlying capability can we produce a performance and hence only then can we measure the efficacy of our overall system and investment. So we can summarize the elements of a generic performance model as follows.


1. Capability

The Capability layer in any performance model is the foundation layer upon which the processes (usability) and performance layers reside. The average user does not need to know how this layer works, only its capability.

2. Usability(transfer)

Yet the capability layer is 'passive', it doesn't do anything. The Usability or transfer layer is where work gets done, using applications, skills and applying knowledge. Leveraging the capability.

3. Performance

While the above layer may provide you with the skills and means to use a word processor, for instance, it doesn't help you write an essay. The performance layer is the very human layer where individuals or groups apply meaning, solve problems and create new ideas.

Measuring Capability

In a business sense the required capability for an organization is what it requires to do business. In Marx's day it was land, labor and capital. For BHP it is access to resources, markets and plant for processing etc. For a marketing firm it is access to talent in an industry where intellectual property is the new capital. For most organizations their basic infrastructure provides all the capability they need. Buildings, classrooms, computer systems and the like. Industry specific technology is often critical.

Hence we also know how to measure and value capability. It is mainly tangible or at least has an agreed value. We use it to measure the book value of a company and we have a good idea of the cost of our investments in resources that provide the capability to carry out our organizational function or business. In learning and development for example capability is manifested in learning management systems, curriculum, content, learning resources and even teaching staff.

Measuring and providing Usability

Usability is probably the greatest area that affects the return on our investment in capability. While the capability layer has objective measures, here the measures are mainly subjective and intangible. There are still few standard measures for how well someone can use and apply a computing system. The two main measures used are competency and productivity. Poor usability in the form of low productivity is an invisible leaking of organizational funds and investment. Possibly the best way to reach high usability of an organization's capability is to provide personal and proactive support. I use the typical hotel concierge as a role model. Always available but not pushy, knowledgeable without being a know-it-all. While the cost of plugging the leak through proactive support methods may appear high initially it should return its investment reasonably quickly and increase both productivity and usability.

ELearning for example has a high failure rate. Quality issues aside one of the main failure points is poor implementation. Learners left alone in the new environment of eLearning often find themselves wondering what to do to succeed. Face to face communication is sometimes hard enough yet how do you get the most out of online discussions or engage in team projects at a distance? Time management, dealing with the technology and tackling tricky quizzes are all skills the learner must now manage alone. Many just give up in frustration.

One sure way to improve implementation for learners new to eLearning is to use the classroom. Using a facilitator to introduce people to the methods and techniques of self-paced and collaborative learning will quickly develop capability and confidence by doing. Learning new skills in a social setting improves learning and helps them concentrate on the task. Others and the facilitator are nearby to help or discuss tactics. They are learning about learning. While a classroom and facilitator may be more expensive to begin with the return on that initial investment will be repaid many times over through confident and engaged learners who can then succeed with eLearning.

Measuring and achieving Performance

As discussed above the performance layer is the very human layer where individuals or groups apply meaning, solve problems and create new ideas. It can be said that capability multiplied by usability equals performance.

Capability x Usability = Performance

Yet what constitutes sufficient, good or bad performance can be highly subjective. Both required and desired levels of performance need to be defined, agreed and articulated within all areas of an organization. This is not competence and requires a different language.

The contemporary interpretation of performance differs from traditional notions of productivity yet remains closely related to it. While productivity measures activity, as inputs and outputs, performance measures outcomes. For example Brent (2005) argues teaching is "above all, a performance art that unfolds in real time". Education has long been measured on outcomes. By viewing many traditional corporate roles and attributes such as customer service, management and leadership as 'performance' centric could change the way we prepare people for them and measure their value.

Possibly the most critical role for our concierge is in the easing and assisting of people through change. Change will undoubtedly bring anxiety and reluctance to anyone and the more resources available for helping individuals confront change and gain confidence with new practices will be rewarded. So just as a drama or sports coach turns rehearsal and training into performance we should also support managers, teams and individual learners achieve their specific outcomes.


This introduction to performance modeling shows that any organizational learning and change needs to consider an end-to-end approach to measure success. Just by providing the inputs and then leaving the outcomes to chance is a risky exercise. In an industrial age sense capability and usability were all that was required to be competitive in your sector. Yet more organizations now compete in the experience economy where performance is gaining importance over productivity. Still, we know little in an organizational sense of how to achieve a consistent high quality performance except by comparing with the competition. It can be argued that the first to set the performance standard in any sector will lead that sector (Apple iPod, Boost Juice, Nike). The performance is the manifestation of all the capability, resources, processes, training, people, passion and creativity.

Performance modeling looks at working top down and bottom up to ascertain what is required to bridge the gap between capability and performance. This 'missing' step is about usability and access to capability. It could also be called the transition step as taking inputs and putting them to work to produce outcomes is as much about organizational improvement or transformation as it is about productivity.

Paul McKey

Managing Director

Redbean Learning Solutions

© 2007- 8 Redbean Pty Ltd


Brent, Doug, (2005). Teaching as performance in the electronic classroom, First Monday, volume 10, number 4 (April 2005),

Pine, J, Gilmore, J. (1999). The Experience Economy. Harvard Business School Press, Boston USA.

Kotter, John & Heskett, James, 1992, Corporate Culture & Performance (Free Press)

McKey, PR, (2006), "The Synergistic Design of Organizational Learning Programs", Proceedings of AACE E-Learn 2006--World Conference on E-Learning, []

Nardi, Bonnie A. (ed.), 1996, Context and consciousness: activity theory and human-computer interaction. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA..

Performance Modeling For Organizational Learning

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Floor Globes - Just the Thing to Fill Up a Bare, Empty Corner

!±8± Floor Globes - Just the Thing to Fill Up a Bare, Empty Corner

There is this empty corner in your living room and it's starting to drive you insane. You've tried a number of different ways to fill it up. First, you started with a plant, but it died. Then, you decided on a table, yet that didn't work right either. So, you're stuck at square one. There is a simple solution to your problem and that is floor globes. One is just the thing to have that corner shine with beauty.

That's right, floor globes are decorative and are the perfect way to add style to that empty corner of yours. How is this feasible? Well, it is because they can be crafted from all sorts of eye-catching materials. For example, you can purchase one that is crafted from a combination of gemstones and silver with the base of the piece being built from silver supporting a globe that has inset gemstones. Or, you could purchase one crafted from wood that features an oak finished base with elegant carvings supporting a sphere that is also made from wood and has screened detailing. There are other material choices as well, so many that there just isn't enough time to talk about them all.

In addition to putting one in the corner of your living room, floor globes would also be a nice choice for adding to other spots throughout your home as well. One nice spot for one would be your den or office, it will offer you inspiration while you're working and will really add to the overall look of the space. Another nice place for one is an entryway as a nice spot to welcome guests as they come into your home. A few other options around your home where you could put one include the end of a hallway, in a dining area, and a family room.

Not only are floor globes a great choice for their pleasant appearance, but they would serve as a great learning tool as well. Remember, they are a globe and are a 3-D representation of the earth. Most will depict many important places that everyone should really know about like continents, countries, oceans and mountain ranges. There are some that even get more detailed than that and point on states, cities, capital cities, and rivers and lakes. Basically, they are a fantastic way to learn about geography.

For a fast and easy way to check out all the floor globes that are available, forget about going to a department store or shopping outlet. Nine times out of ten, they won't have what you want. Instead, jump on the Internet and do some online shopping. It's a breeze to look at all the choices since you just have to click through some pages on the computer screen. Then, when you do decide on something, it generally is at a pretty reasonable price and it will be shipped right to you.

So, if you have an empty corner in your home, fill it up in a beautiful way by investing in floor globes. They are fixtures that will be sure to please.

Floor Globes - Just the Thing to Fill Up a Bare, Empty Corner

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Leaders Make the Difference

!±8± Leaders Make the Difference

"There can be avoided. The eternal search for a sustainable competitive advantage leads us directly into the squishy softness of culture and character. Many businessmen do not like it. You do not feel good to talk to trusted colleagues, the ' honesty, purpose, values ​​and other topics from self-help section of the library that you are probably eaten by competitors to address these issues with taste in your face "-.. Geoffrey Colvin,"The Changing Art of Becoming Unbeatable," Fortune Magazine

All organizations have access to more or less the same resources. Draw from the same pool of people in their markets or geographic areas. And all we can to learn about the latest tools and techniques.

But not all organizations perform equally. In fact, there is an enormous gap between the high and low performance organizations. What does it mean? Quite simply, it is people. When the venerable Peter Drucker points out: "Of all thedecisions of a manager is not as important as the decisions on people, because they determine the ability of the organization. "

In his book, Inspirational Leadership, Lance Secretan reports on the role of managers in health care:
A hospital had significantly better results (61 predicted but 41 observed deaths), while another performed significantly poorer (58% more deaths than expected). Technically, there was little difference between thehospitals being studied. The significant variable proved to be the quality of leadership. What the researchers found in particular was the better performing hospitals achieved superior interpersonal dynamics among the intensive care unit staff. When leaders served their [staff] well, the medical staff was able to serve their patients better. The researchers reported that 'the degree of coordination of intensive care significantly influenced its effectiveness.'

And when it comes to people, the big difference is leadership.

"People are our most important resource." This management cliché dates back to the beginning of the modern organization. Yet all too often it's perceived as a tired old phrase with a high "snicker factor" in many organizations. Eyes roll as the boss dutifully mouths these words.

Meanwhile, investments in assets such as physical buildings, equipment, technology, products, and strategy development vastly outstrip investments in people. Little care is given to hiring and orienting the right people. Training is often an afterthought, given little strategic consideration and even less management planning and follow-through. Performance appraisals are bureaucratic "check off the boxes" exercises that cause more angst than development. Promotions are based more on technical or management factors than on proven people-leadership abilities. Teams exist in name only. Opinions and input from frontline people are rarely sought and often discounted. Processes and systems enslave rather than enable servers or producers.

For such an "important resource," people are assigned remarkably low priority in many organizations. The folly of this choice is recognized not only by the proponents of soft skills and values but is also supported by solid statistical studies and surveys.

"A Wharton [School of the University of Pennsylvania] study found that 'capital investments may be a strategic necessity to stay even with the competition,' but the investments in workers yielded far greater returns. Says Patrick Harker, one of the study's authors: 'Machines can't give you a competitive advantage. It's all about people.'"

A survey of the world's most admired companies echoed this viewpoint in the Fortune Magazine article, "What Makes a Company Great". According to the piece: "An MIT global auto industry study found that a major reason Toyota's productivity is far ahead of Nissan is because Nissan poured money into robots and computers while Toyota focused on people and processes. Toyota then used automation to support its people and processes.

A major international company studied their worker compensation claims and attitude surveys and found that where supervisors and managers are perceived to be more caring about people injuries and compensation, claims were much lower.

In the most admired companies, the key priorities were teamwork, customer focus, fair treatment of employees, initiative, and innovation. In average companies the top priorities were minimizing risk, respecting the chain of command, supporting the boss, and making budget.

Leaders Make the Difference

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

How to be a photographer

!±8± How to be a photographer

Have you always wanted to "seize the moment a" desperate, so keep that in the moment with you for eternity? If there is only one way to live that special moment ... least in the mind! Bless the guy who invented the camera. And bless all those who have brought photography to the state, is today - one of the most popular (maybe I should call it passion) in the world today!

While some of us have tried only in the photograph, might want to do some otherit is a job, a source of livelihood. Some have a taste for it, while others may acquire the ability for a period of time. The photography industry is one of the most modern - with the most modern equipment and technologies in the market every day.

How you can begin your journey of photography? Deep as it may seem, is the first step to successful photography to be discovered.

They like to travel or stay in the house?

Do you like the newPeople?

You have it in you, your thoughts and the ground to sell an audience?

Accept things for granted or have the courage to put up a tough fight?

Do you prefer the security risk it?

There is no right or wrong answer to these questions. The questions are intended to help only to find yourself, your tastes, your turn-on and on. Why photography offers a variety of ways to answer these questions (to you) will help you keep track ofright opportunities. For example, if you can not bear to see the blood, needles and disease, makes less sense to try the medical photography. Remember, photography is not just a camera click. These add a special touch to take the picture.

Once there it seems your interests in photography, is the closest thing you're talking about a professional qualification or not. Professionally qualified photographers who have moreAdvantage - not only for the degree / diploma earn. More because of contacts to build them. And the right contacts, the main driver for success in photography for some. Learning a picture of a school will also help you learn about the latest in the field - the latest equipment, technology and so on. With the added benefit of a faculty, will teach you the finer points. There are different types of schools - large companies that provide state-of-the-art infrastructureand small schools that your personal space. After some basic research (a lot of online content, and publish these schools), you should be in grade school right for you is zero.

If you do not commit the financial strength to take a course from a school, do not worry! As long as you have the drive and passion, you can be a star in the picture.

We recommend that you try to start as an assistant to an establishedPhotographers. As an assistant is not an easy task. You may need to sweep the office for cocktail parties, with a smile at the reception, knowing the right language and stay abreast with the latest in photography. As luck would have it a smart guy could also be a good stage school with the head shop. But this will prove to be a great experience with a great kick-start a career in photography that satisfies.

More than half of photographersthis world are self-employed. Magazines and also established organizations are often not professional photography in their permanent role. Freelancer gives you enough freedom to pursue your passion and even a couple of easy money. You can also easily multitask when you're freelance. Most of the tests, a freelance photographer, is to attract a new customer and keep the relationship going. To begin with, it is essential to a good portfolio of pictures that haveWill be reflected only on the potential and unique style of the person.

Wonder if the kick-start this work? If you have the momentum and rigor Beac long as there are weddings and graduation parties, newspapers and magazines, dance schools and mega-events, you will succeed!

How to be a photographer

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Monday, October 3, 2011

It is the customer service your company fall?

!±8± It is the customer service your company fall?

Predicting customer behavior -

Suddenly the thought of the people and offer new perspectives, strategies where the customer has brought good and what you can stay in your strategies on the competitive advantage. This is an advanced strategy, but that's going on in the excellent customer service. Think about it and customize it to your current level of excellence in customer service.

It is a simple formula to predict but strategic customer behavior:

In hindsightIn addition, Insight Foresight same

As a result, the information from an index of well-thought customer satisfaction is collected. Why do people buy a particular product or to a specific place to invest in a particular property, etc.? What I knew about this experience? They would return to buy again or to find someone? Basically, these are very important questions later.

What is the Insight section of the formula?

The Peppers and Rogers Group (a consulting services company)".... In the old paradigm says direct marketing is the problem it was predicted that customers are more likely to buy product X from a customer-oriented perspective, however, the question becomes, what product (service) is no longer necessary and the customers wanted to be X. "

In other words, by tradition, a group of customers most likely to buy a specific product and identified with a data base with appropriate vendors and intelligent, and much moreChannels of advertising would be a certain number of nights or products or services sold.

In the new paradigm, companies need to know what customers will need or want them to remain competitive and to be faithful. This moves the customer service side very sophisticated extraordinary level of customer service - intuition, prediction of customer behavior.

How to build an understanding of the business needs of your customers?

Acquiring knowledge - please note, more thanadvanced strategy is not to discover what customers want to buy through your new service, etc., but on who they are, what are the most important issues in their companies who are their competitors, what are their main concerns, and so on. Knowledge is gathered in order to predict what customers want and need, as you were, what keeps them competitive and in turn to buy you true.

For example, to acquire knowledge:

Make a list of allthe way that the customer comes into contact with your company. These are described as points of contact. Customers have to call or visit your website before you buy? They call them after purchase, or during the purchase process? People come to you or hand you over to them? Their sales staff, janitors, technicians, etc.


1 Identify the key account

2 Create a file named for each account

3 Never put a list of questions appropriate to your customers at every point of their contactbusiness or personal preferences.

4 Create a dialogue with the customer, build the relationship.

Take Action

1 Send all information in a database. For large companies, there is a very good for these programs - not only for entry but also for data mining. For small businesses, sometimes people will do it manually.

2 Train your people in the art of building relationships. If you already have a company culture with excellent customer service,This will be easier, but if your company is right in front of the training or no training at all, this strategy might not know where to start. Good to learn about how and where you go.

3 They have short meetings to determine a day or more a week to discuss the results, and other information you need to get your people working on the next generation of innovative products or services that customers want and need the most important. As the relationship continues to build with yourKey customers are to share more information with you to do a better job of predicting their behavior.

Working at the extraordinary level of customer service hours to help your key accounts are more competitive in their market and true to you.

Measuring Results

The measurement of results is easier, because the relationship with your key accounts. The feedback is immediate and so are the successes or failures. Basically it lets you make adjustments account of thisthe entire process. At this point the cycle begins - acquisition of knowledge, to take steps to measure results.

The biggest surprise

In some companies today, which is based on the relationship between customer and supplier has a high degree of confidence in the customer accounts must be opened to the provider, to help predict the provider what the customer might need or want. It 'true that the world is changing rapidly from an excellent customer service.

How does the benefit of hindsight and InsightForesight same?

Foresight is to ask if we can answer this question - What is the value of your company to your customers? Really, this is a question for the local clothing store, auto mechanic, automotive, global data management centers, hotels, etc., etc. Your company is a provider of services or offers good vision?

It is the customer service your company fall?

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Russian Academy System

Russian education system is different from Americans. Preschool age of 6, there is the Sunday school, we are learning how to write letters and read. So if you go to the first class at the age of 7, you must write and read. September 1st is a day of knowledge in Russia. All schools are celebrating this day, so we face the congregation of the school. We sing songs, give our teachers with flowers and congratulations to a class because "For the first time in first class. They are afraid to say you do not know anyone. Gothe class and sit at the table and your school life begins. Teacher is very nice to you. A school year appeared to 4 parts is called the neighborhood. So we have autumn holidays. Winter and spring break 1 week, and, of course, the summer break. Then we enter the second class, you are repeating what you learned in first grade. The classroom looks like her, 3 lines, 20 bridges, where two people sit at a desk. Classes start at 8:30 and ends at 14:00 clock. We have 10-minute break between classes and a long30 min break after 2 lessons. Normally we have 6 hours in 1 day, every hour for 40-45 minutes, sometimes 35 on Saturday We have A, B, C, D and E classes. We have the same people, from 5 to 9 Class I, for example, 5 A-class was, we had 30 people in our class, and I was with them until my 11 th class. In America, junior, middle and high school three different types of school three different buildings. In Russia we have a building for this school. 1.2, are in first degree plan, which is 3.4...

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

KidKraft Nantucket Table and 4 Chair Set

!±8±KidKraft Nantucket Table and 4 Chair Set

Brand : KidKraft
Rate :
Price : $94.99
Post Date : Sep 22, 2011 05:54:24
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Dimension of Table: 23.75L x 23.75W x 19.87H
  • Dimension of Chairs: 11.75L x 11.5W x 22.25H
  • Finish: Honey and Primary
  • Material: Wood
  • 5pcs Honey &Primary Finish Kid's Table & Four Chair Set
  • You will receive a total of one table and four chairs.
  • Items include:
  • Honey table sized perfectly for children
  • One blue chair
  • One green chair
  • One honey chair
  • One red chair
  • A great gift for households with multiple children
  • Assembly required

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Friday, September 16, 2011


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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Step2 Art Master Activity Desk

!±8± Step2 Art Master Activity Desk

Brand : Step 2 | Rate : | Price : $69.99
Post Date : Sep 09, 2011 16:36:22 | Usually ships in 2-3 business days

This sturdy toddler desk is perfect for all types of creative play activities. It features a large work surface with molded-in compartments, plus a hinged dry-erase writing surface that wipes clean easily and opens to a storage area underneath. A raised shelf holds art supplies and the push-button light (requires 4 "AA" batteries, not included) automatically shuts off after 5 minutes. Includes 15" high stool. Minimal adult assembly required. Art supplies not included. Measures 36" x 34" x 18".

  • Large desktop surface gives your artist plenty of room to be creative
  • Work surface doubles as a dry-erase board and lifts up to reveal a storage area underneath
  • Includes a sturdy 11 inch stool and a desk lamp to provide additional light
  • Features deep molded-in storage compartments on either side that are perfect for holding books and other materials
  • Art supplies are easily accessible to your artist on this desks raised shelf (art supplies not included)

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What sales? 3 sales tactics to close the deal

!±8± What sales? 3 sales tactics to close the deal

Completing this sale? Since then I have been out on a swing at what you are selling - and does not worry me, what you sell, these tactics are largely - and nothing to do. No plot, no tension is to turn the wheels on ice. What is this?

Frankly, the answer to this question will be answered only partially in this article. The upper part, I will tell you that if you want to be good in the closing of the sales campaign, you need to take a pro. Buy his seminaryMaterial, listen and read the great players, and to study. Sales is an art, then you must do your part to figure out how to master the techniques. That said, what I discovered after a decade or so to have sales in one way or another, these tactics.

This sale includes:

1 What is the Bull's Eye?
2 Do not know the "No!"
3 sizzle not the steak Sell

Let's look at each point:

1 What is the Bull's Eye?
Some sales are a little 'different - you want onewide net to catch as many fish as possible and go from there. If you want to find your pitch, and put some 'real wheels to the test, then you will want to zero in those who are at the top of your customers. Simply put, the purpose of buying with the money and the need for what you sell. The bigger the better with regard to income levels. Whatever you sell, has a sweet spot type of customer profile. Discover what it is and the purpose of your weapons on the ship. Target market, if sales in the vicinitydeal.

2 Do not know the "No!"
Make a list of your objections, and put your hands around what it is that people say, goes. Here is a tactic that many sellers do not use: if you get the opposition, there is a request for additional information were not available.

Do not get your knickers in a knot because sales resistance, which is par for the course to know that I have learned. Rather, if you have a list of the greatest concerns and have understood the reason, then you can judge whether yourSales pitch is giving your customers some aspiring red flag that their resistance increases. Remember, this is a request for more information, give it to them: do not answer their objections with a list of features, but the precise point # 3 ...

3 sizzle not the steak Sell
Sell ​​the benefits to the customer, from the point of view of the customer. Put yourself in the mindset and your customers, and go beyond the play list, the list of functions that do not sell anything to anyone. Answer this questionFrom the perspective of the customer: "Why should I buy what you sell" Why do they do?

Sell ​​the sizzle not the steak. Reducing sales resistance at every step of the way, and always on their side, you will be in proximity of sales. As an advocate for the customer during the sales process (not a game of "You vs. Me", but "I'm on your side, you can help me with this product / service that you have discovered what ..."), Closes Sale.

What sales? 3 sales tactics to close the deal

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Classroom Games - Draw the Teacher, 3D Tic-Tac-Toe & More

!±8± Classroom Games - Draw the Teacher, 3D Tic-Tac-Toe & More

Stand Up, Sit Down, Turn Around

This festival is a great game for shapes, angles and much more.

1) Draw different shapes on the table.

2) Point to each shape and say its name.

3) The students repeat the form of the name.

4) Say the name wrong for some forms.

5) When you say the wrong name of students must get up, sit down and turn on their desks as quickly as possible.

6) The page that this is the fastest gets the point.

7) Play up to classIt seems certain that the name of the forms.

If you have some slower guys just choose one person from each side of rock, paper, scissors quickly to avoid embarrassing a student lens which is last to play every time. This is a great game for kids moving and to verify the conditions.

Draw Master

This is a fun game for younger students.

1) Draw two empty points on the board.

2) Having two students to answer a question.

2) Students will create and respond to the Boarda body part.

3) The team with the most insane looking for teachers who wins the game.

4) I usually say, to draw that part of the body.

If you want to extend the game to make the students draw things such as earrings, beards, hats, t-shirt logos, etc. ..

3D Tic-Tac-Toe

This is a fun game where everyone brings revision.

1) Draw three empty tic-tac-toe board on the board.

2) Divide the class into two teams.

3) Choose two students and ask them a question is.

4)Students respond to questions and then to the Board.

5) to select students with the help of his team, who put their X or O

6) The team with the most lines at the end of the game wins.

If you want to add more than extend the game tic-tac-toe boards.

Classroom Games - Draw the Teacher, 3D Tic-Tac-Toe & More

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Change your thinking, change your environment, change your life - Part II

!±8± Change your thinking, change your environment, change your life - Part II

Now take a moment to picture yourself thriving in your career - make the whole experience - the power it feels like a success, your creative abilities, as productive as you are, and how much others appreciate you. Feels good, does not it?

When our living spaces to support our needs, we can change that not only tough but also helps us a sense of balance and harmony in our lives. Think like the inside of your home, like a spirit or personality, and outHis bone structure. The shell of the house is the introduction of who we are. The interior is where we express ourselves.

To create a supportive environment and your needs, you need to move emotionally, not just physically. As each stage to verify Recommendation'm really trying to imagine your place in your imagination to customize my recommendations and then implement in your imagination.

Step 1 - Front Door for Fortune

Have you heard quoteImportance of the front doors first, and I mention them again. The main entrance of your home is the door of opportunity. This is the welcoming committee for the world, the threshold of all things good. If you look at this place, ask yourself what you can do to promote prosperity, abundance and serenity in your life now. Pay attention to the ideas that come to you. One of the first steps is to ensure that the area is clean, well lit and beautiful! (This goes for yourOffice door as well).

If you want career opportunities, please take a fountain or pond near your front door (or the entrance to the office) to win, and a lot of opportunities to spread around you.

Use color to enhance your desire or goal.
Red alert and raise opportunities and prosperity. Green is synonymous with wealth, health and nature. Gold is wealth. Black stands for his career. If you live in an apartment or condominiumcan not change your main entrance, so you improve your voice or foyer. This is the passage from the outside world into your inner world. Focusing on creating an environment that welcomes, inspires and encourages you want. Include a live plant, fresh flowers, a table for keys, a fountain, light, etc., there are many things you can do to improve this area - which is important for a space that welcomes you to build and speaks abundance. (After all, what we want our careerbe an experience of fullness!)

Step 2 - Tour to the success

The desk is the centerpiece of your office. How important do you position for success.
Make sure you are positioned in such a way that a solid wall behind you. Open space in front of you, so you have the eyes of the office or room Place the desk in the direct path of the door. This is known as the command position. In this position you will have full controloffice and the work you do. The placement of your desk is critical to the success and prosperity you enjoy in your professional life. If your desk is far away from the door, shot in front of a wall, your view is blocked literally - so that your prospects!

The shape of the desk is important. Desks square, rectangular or curved are ideal. "L" shaped table (which is very common now that we are all with computers), is less desirable. This form is considered incomplete. A non-Imagine the "L" shaped table, where the fourth corner was, and then something symbolically placed there to complete the room. Often, a floor lamp or system works well.

The size of the desk should be adjusted, it is around the space in the work you do. A very large desk, spasms of the space in an office is not desirable to have a small desk, if it is too small for the job. Think about how the desk Goldilocks. They do not want too big, you do not want it to be too small, you want tois right!

Keep your desk clutter free and well organized, you will be inspired when you enter the office is not ventilated or discouraged. It shows a messy, messy desk is a model of delayed decisions - why? Because we tend to avoid them and so avoid the work we do.

Step 3 - The future is now

Looking back the answers from last month's article. If your goals and aspirations include improving your prosperity and abundance,Note that step.

If your goal always includes a certain task, promote or improve your financial situation to improve, in the office connected with the career. its center is the first part of your office space, this is often where the door is located.

Use the white or black, containing a well or something that is water. (A small black turtle, water is an image, a sculpture in glass, mirrors, etc.)

If your goal isImprove your reputation and renowned reputation in the center of the extensions and lighting of your office. This is at the center rear seat, as you stand in his voice. It is located directly across from the Careers section. Integrating the color red, and / or articles which present fire (candles, lamps, etc.), or in the form of a triangle.

If your goal is mainly to earn money, improve cash flow, or to obtain a better control of finances, focus yourImprovements in the rear left of your office. This is the center of fullness. Incorporate the colors red or purple, add elements that speak of luxury, wealth and prosperity. This could be a beautiful work of art, a painting, fresh flowers or a living plant. A great appreciation that I have personally been very successful with, is a vibrant, healthy plant in a left rear corner of my office instead of with a beautiful mirror on the wall behind him, to multiply the beauty and abundance of plantsrepresents. Before any improvements in this area, it is important that you realize all the money you have unresolved problems at the moment. Balance your checkbook, pay bills, etc., then make the changes.

Bonus Step - Create a good first impression

All that the markets know who you are and what you do. Your first impression will also determine if the value of the share you have loaded.

How you present yourself to those around you? Family? Friends? Colleagues? If so, howDress to give the impression you want? Does not represent who you are and what you do? And 'success in their hair and make-up of the project? If you are thinking of a professional, take your time and effort like this. It is the normal expression of a slight smile or frown? Decide how you want to see people to support you and then make the necessary changes to your request.

Change your thinking, change your environment, change your life - Part II

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